IAP will not download on iOS 14 beta 2 - FIXED
I realize that nobody wants to hear about issues with buggy beta software, but...
Description of buggy behavior
In-app purchases from the NanoStudio store with not download either upon first purchase, nor on restoring purchases.
Steps to reproduce
Open NanoStudio store, either purchase or attempt to redownload a previous IAP.
Expected result
The IAP content should download normally.
Actual result
Clicking the install button causes the Install message to read “Waiting for download to start” as the spinner next to the pack name... spins. The error message appears in a banner at the top of the screen indicating that the content cannot be downloaded. I discovered this after reinstalling to fix a fatal crash to springboard that was occurring every time I tried to create a new project. I surmise that had something to do with an AU that was in the project that loaded at launch.
The app store can be very finicky with big IAPs. Unfortunately there's not a lot that can be done about it. Restart devices, log out of your apple ID, log back in, etc. but basically this is completely in Apple's control. If all else fails, you can try to reinstall NS2 , it could always be something wrong with the installation. Sorry, I wish I could be of more help!
I had done all those things before I posted. It’s highly likely to be a bug of some kind, as it happens on two iPads running iOS 14 but not my 2020 SE that’s still on 13.6. I’m not expecting a fix at this point, but I did want to mention it in case nobody else came across it until October or something. NanoStudio is running fine otherwise, so it’s still completely usable.
Ok, sorry I totally missed that you were on iOS 14 beta which was kind of the point and right there in the topic
Should get more caffeine… So fingers crossed Apple sorts this out on their end.
hey, I asked apple about this, I've got the same problem in the app Korg Gadget. I received the following answer
wir haben festgestellt, dass dieses Problem besser vom Entwickler der App gelöst werden sollte. Wenn das Problem auch im neuesten Softwareupdate auftritt, wende dich einfach an den Entwickler.
which translates to
we disovered, that this problem should better be solved by the developer of the app. If the Problem persists after the newest update, please contact the developer.
so maybe there is something to do for apple, but you can't be sure about it I think...
btw. great great app, I used nano studio 1 long time and now just discovered the existence of ns2.... love your app 😄
oh and btw. I'm on the actual Beta 4
same on beta 6
Still failing on the iOS 14 release, but now there’s a lot of weirdness with the progress bar continually moving towards 100% and resetting to 0% over and over again.
Edit: Got the push notification from NS right after hitting send on this. Glad to hear there’s a workaround 😽
Posted earlier today, plus push notification sent to devices that have them enabled:
Yeah I experienced this too, even after I'd made the changes for iOS 14 to stop it crashing. Fortunately it stopped after a period of time and downloads were back to normal.
I think the app store's still trying to send downloads to your device which were requested during a previous run session. One of these worked for me:
I suspect it was number 3 which worked for me - maybe the app store gives up on previous download requests after a period of time?