Midi import … not working for me

Hello, I have just bought this software for my iPad.
I am planning to create some chords and basic melody on other software and then import the midi into NS2…
I have looked in the manual and tried to follow the instructions, but after an hour of trying, I cannot get the steps to work for me. I have not managed to import any media files at all even though they are in the correct folder on the iPad…. I don’t see the import on the file browser part of the app..
under project there’s LOAD, NEW, MIXDOWN… but nothing to say IMPORT.
your help would be much appreciated, thanks


  • You should be able to see the files in two places.

    • Going to Settings > Manage MIDI Files
    • In the song screen, tap the icon that looks like a piece of paper at the top of the tracks list.
  • edited July 29

    @number37 said:
    You should be able to see the files in two places.

    • Going to Settings > Manage MIDI Files
    • In the song screen, tap the icon that looks like a piece of paper at the top of the tracks list.

    Hi, thanks for the quick response,

    in the first method, if you go to Manage MIDI files, I see the midi file name but I want to use the file, and there seems to be no way to "get" that file. Double tap and drag drop do not do anything.

    In the second method, yep, that works, thanks... not very intuitive. I'd say it could be one of many options when tap and holding on a blank part of a midi track... something that just says "import..." It would then be nice to be able to import from anywhere, not just on one dedicated folder on the tablet... this requires getting the midi file to that specific place, quite a lot more (unnecessary) work.

    Thanks again, Mark.

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