Note slice function
Hi all,
I have worked a lot with nanostudio 1 in the past. I used the note slice function in Eden very much. I loaded a long sample and set the note slice to a random number. Is this function, or 1 that approached it, available in nanostudio 2? Thank you for your response and excuse for the possibly stupid question.
what exactly it was doing ? i don't remember ...
It slices the sample over the keyboard depending on the number you set it to. For example, if you set it to 46, the sample was cut into 46 equal parts. I often used it to experiment.
Aah this.. ok then simple answer : No.
But wait, there is more :-) It really depends of what exactly you want to achieve.
In Obsidian sampler oscillator you can modulate sample start, loop start and loop length - by any standard mod source like envelope, lfo, key(note), random,...
You can also map macro knob to any of those parameters and then create automation.
So in some way it is lot more powerfull, but on other side there is no easy way to map it for example to 16 fixed regions - it's more like continuos control across whole sample.
True traditional sample slicer (posibility in audio editor choose slice points and then map slices to Slate pads or eventually as obsidian sample zones) is planned at some point, just no exact timeline for now.
I remember that function. But I'm afraid your answer (AFAIK) is no. However, what you can do is arbitrarily control the sample start, end and loop points, which can be a lot of fun.
@tom_tm i was first, i was first
Thanks @dendy and @tom_tm for your very quick reply!
I use the ReSlice app as an AU instrument in NS2. It’ll do this.
Reslice imo is a lot better a choice than that feature in NS1.
For sure but I have to say that I loved this feature in Eden. It was really finicky so you'd get all these delightful glitches.
All the guitar notes in this one are some random acoustic capture (I didn't play it to the song or anything—just noodled for a while), triggered via the Eden slice feature.
I remeber that someone managed to make all 64 slices work with a long string of piano samples. Must’ve taken a lot of time. And math skills too I think
I think 'glitchy' was about right. I agree, great for that. But you can get the same kind of effect in Obsidian and having more control, it’s loads better.
I think obsidian is definitely better and offers more functionality. However, the simplicity to load a sample and the stretch over the keyboard I really liked because spontaneously created things that you had not thought of before (do I say the same thing twice?). In addition, it just works incredibly fast.
The glitches sounded sometimes not very good but that was easy to solve by playing with the attack.
I have made this song that way:
I'm now digging into the audio units (a whole world opens up for me) and I'm definitely going to look at reslice as well.
Thanks for all your responses!
Just making sure you noticed what @dendy said: you can modulate sample start by key. This means that every key will start the sample at a different spot and the spot is always the same for that particular key. This is very very close to what we had in Eden. And you can set it up once as a preset and then just replace the sample when you want. And by changing the mod amount or multiplier you can get different effects.
What @Stiksi said - it’s just spreaded across whole keyboyars, so you actually have sample “sliced” to127 small slices but if you found proper notes you can have exact sample start points which you want
Damn now when i’m thinking more about this - you can route SLATE midi into Obsidian and then by setting right notes on Slate pads this is actually nondestructive slicing workaround for slate
) Cool !!
Okay, i'm a midi noob. I have now set it up like this: Source -> key, note. Destination -> Osc 1, Sample start, Multiplier -> None. Depth -> 100. Each key now have an other sample start point but it isn't in the same key. So the sample transpose. How can I undo that?
Edit: i fixt it myself, I turned the KEY TRK from OSC 1 all the way to the left and now it works, why I don't know but I'm happy
I had a go myself on this too like what “Stiksi said” but I hit a limitation.
The key track spreads across all the key spectrum (C-2 to C8+) and there is no way ( I can see) to narrow the key range. If it was possible to select the range limits where the key track applies, it could be a breeze to map slices from a sample loop to keys.
Do you think it’s time for another request?...
Nah... just use reslice.
Very happy to hear that 😀 Key track controls how much keys control pitch. 100% is the normal 12 notes per octave on the keyboard. Setting it to zero is also good for drum kits.
I tried this with some speech and it doesn’t work so well. There’s too much range between words. For instance the first word starts on D-2, the next on A-2, then E-1. I can see where I might use this method in some instances and ReSlice in others. It’s all good!
Use hint i mentioned above... create another track with Slate, use "init kit" in hamburger menu (so there will be nothing on pads)
Then set in mixer settings of Slate track "MIDI SEND" to track with Obsidian, which contains sample oscillator with KEY > SAMPLE START mapping activated.
Now - just go to each Slate pad "Settings" and tweak NOTE of that pad to exact offset of Obsidian sample you want to play
Non destructive slicing like a breeeze
Slate now sends proper notes which offsets sample start exactly to position you want, so you can sequence notes it inside Slate, and Obsidian will play it 
Yes, probably using ReSlice is more easy (until that sample rate issue in all VirSyn plugs is not holding you back) .. But using Slate + Obsidian gives you other options (for example use advanced Obsidians modulation abilities for some mangling, twisting, modulating of slices)
I will try that. You’re absolutely right. Tweaking a pad in Slate until it hits the right start point is pretty easy. Thanks!
What Dendy “The NSM*” said.
*NanoStudio Master.
Thanks @dendy that works! Still have to figure out how to change the startpoint for each pad but thats no problem.
just change "pad note" until you get to the point which you want to trigger with that pad
Thanks again @dendy, your to kind! Of course I can also look for it myself but there is so much to discover.
you're welcome, it's my pleasure to help
Okay, now I've made a track where I trigger the sample in Obsidian via the Slate pads. Now it is not possible to use the effects of Slate. Does anyone have a trick to do that? Furthermore, I wondered whether an audio effect on a track, or on the MAIN MIX, can be automated?
As of right now you can indeed do that, but only with native NS2 audio effects. AU effects cannot be automated at this point.
My real question is if it is possible to record that automation? I know it's possible to record the automation from a Slate effect but I can't find out how to record the automation of an audio effect that I have put on a track of the MAIN MIX.
Wanting to make sure I fully I understand the question, so I apologize in advance for being dense...
Are you saying you want to:
Or both?