@dendy said:
hm interesting, when you will have some real numbers about latency, please share info ! That would be game changer for me, i really hate cables )
Haha, I’ll use BT when they come up with a version of it that works over a stereo jack cable or XLR 😀
But I’m also interested in the actual latency numbers. It would be a significant sign that Apple is finally getting with the programme.
yes, airpods works, but there is terrible latency (something about half of second or more)
this is limitation of high quality BT audio, it's same in all apps
2nd gen AirPods seem to have much reduced latency. I need to do more testing, but almost seems usable for music making!
hm interesting, when you will have some real numbers about latency, please share info ! That would be game changer for me, i really hate cables
Haha, I’ll use BT when they come up with a version of it that works over a stereo jack cable or XLR 😀
But I’m also interested in the actual latency numbers. It would be a significant sign that Apple is finally getting with the programme.
Sorry to disappoint. It’s better than the first version, but ultimately crappy for music production! Cables, it is!
@Karmamole Ah that's a pity.. had a hope for a second :-)