"Never Found" ‼️Dark Ambient‼️ Produced in Nanostudio 2 😱
FINALLY!!! THIS is the piece of (Dark) Ambient I've had in my mind for about a month now. Nanostudio 2 getting an update is what brought me back into Nanostudio 2. I also figured to get FAC Alteza (since all the cool kids are using it these days ) and Bleass Granulizer (because I saw iOSTRAKON use it once and thought it was pretty cool). So here it is...
Produced 100% in Nanostudio 2, and I made use of FAC Alteza, Bleass Granulizer, and Saturn 2. The low drones are produced by Obsidian. The higher drone that first comes in is a granulised sample from Sounds of KSHMR Vol 3. My voice is also granulised a little bit, although the mix is about 50/50 so you can understand the words. The drums are a Slate kit from the new Studio Drums IAP, smashed in Saturn 2.
The master track has MagicDeathEyeStereo to glue the mix, and TB Barricade to catch some of the louder peaks. That's all. Cheers and enjoy!
@jwmmakerofmusic here we have dark side of you:D before that voice comes it sounded like something from eraser head, it is pretty dark man, but I like it that way mostly:D big ups!
I hope I can be forgiven for bopping an older post, but I just wanted to say this is SO COOL and I'm so glad to see that something like this can be produced in Nanostudio 2. I'm brand new to all this; loving Nanostudio so far and barely scratched the surface of what it can do. Now I think I will need to go get Alteza.
Welcome @Strangechilde ! It is pretty amazing the different types of music that can be created with NS2. Stick with it and enjoy!
Thank you so much mates.
That means a million to me. Been a while since I've been here, but I figured I'd check in and see what's up, lol.
Not much is up. Just creating music in something other than Logic Pro. All the cool kids are hanging out on AB Logic Pro forum these days.
Guess I'll never be one of the cool kids.
LOL! Yeah, and I was originally going to just use Logic Pro, but honestly it's such a hassle to use. It's why I've gone back to NS2 to be frank, lol.