NS2 track(s)


Uploaded my first NS2 track onto SoundCloud today!


  • edited February 18
  • edited February 20

    This music is fantastic! Very Techno-orientated. Love it. If I may be bold to offer a little critique, the first track seems mastered a bit too loud with audible clipping. The second track has smoother, better mastering. If you ever need help with some quick mastering advice, do let me know mate. I can share with you my method of mastering. :)

    EDIT: Followed you on SoundCloud by the way. :)

  • edited February 20

    DeepNode just sounds like that, all buzzy and stuff… so does SuperSawTooth. it was intentional

    Maybe I could drop the master track down some, make it sound smoother, but it’d still be buzzy

  • @ollie said:
    DeepNode just sounds like that, all buzzy and stuff… so does SuperSawTooth. it was intentional

    Ah okay now I understand better. :)

    Maybe I could drop the master track down some, make it sound smoother, but it’d still be buzzy

    Fair enough mate.

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