A million thanks from me. That's it. Best music app on ios, and best piano roll on any DAW I've used (everything else is great too, but I love that piano roll). All the best for the future, Matt.
Got to agree with this. NS2 is a stunning piece of work. If it never gets audio tracks, I’ll still be getting inspired by digging into it. Since buying an op-1, I’ve learned to love limitations, but NS2 has very few of those! I’d be happy to buy any future IAPs to fund future development. It’s such a beautiful environment…
I’ve had hardly any time to get to grips with this beast, but I’m back, looking forward to audio tracks, and enjoying every minute I spend in this gorgeously intuitive workflow. Thanks, Matt.
Thanks, @dendy and @Stiksi. You're right, it's better to leave it. I will train myself to look at the timeline, not at the pianoroll. I always think in terms of the bars I'm working on in relation to the whole. Hey, it's the first time NS2 hasn't dovetailed perfectly with my preferred way of working, so I'm certainly not…
Possibly user error...but when I edit in pianoroll, it always gives me bar numbers starting at 1, even if I'm editing a section at bar 73. What am I doing wrong, gurus?
Well said. Exactly how I feel about it.
@kleptolia and @nkdvkng, here’s a really quick track to try out some of the presets, I hope yours are here! I used slate:living room, 4 obsidians: nv_bell wobble, _chariots Of brass, nv_radio mid lead, _ms_20 bass. A dash of virsyn reverb on the brass, and a sprinkling of Grand Finale. Short and sweet. Thanks for the…
All of these sound crisp and clean to my ears...well done, everyone. I love the way iOS music has enabled me to broaden my musical taste even further. Thanks. Might even have something to contribute soon.
Another thank you from me, these are great.
Thanks for your generous sharing, everyone. Theses are all great. @Zupi, I’m a sucker for great analogue sounds, nice one. If I had any talent at all for sound design, I would reciprocate. As it is, you’ll have to make do with my gratitude on behalf of all the preset tweakers 🙏
There's a 2 octave version of the ik multimedia io (I have the 49 key). iPad doesn’t slot in, it comes with a small stand. If you use it the the new cck, it poses the iPad during use. Also has a built in audio interface. I haven’t tried it with NS2 yet, but it works with everything else. It’s waiting on my coffee table,…
Of course. Don’t diss my human, though. I need him to operate the touchscreen.
great post, Matt. The moments I’ve managed to steal with NS2 so far have been inspiring. Nearly finished editing my book (I was pianoyan on the old forum), so I don’t have the time to dive in deeply...yet. Love it so far, though.
@Blip Interactive said: I hadn't really expected there to be much demand for this as I'd considered NS2 more of a portable solution where 99% of people would use the touch screen or a smaller external MIDI controller. If there's high demand then it would be possible to add a dedicated automation controller which would be…
+1 for this, I think it was mentioned 11, 374 times in the thread on the audiobus forum...
Just rated and reviewed. Let’s keep it at the top!
I was pianoyan on the old forum. I've outed myself on the new one. Hi!