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  • I think it helps to know which parts of your workflow are most important to you and then jump in to the free trial at some point to find out of there is a way of doing those things in the new app. An example for NS2 users is linked clips. Although they are there on the desktop version of Logic, they have not (yet) made…
  • Glad it worked! I got it working for whatever it was I was trying to automate but then stopped using it as I seem to recall it took a bit of effort to turn everything on and off. I'm sure I read that iOS 15 now has per-app assistive features so this may have helped alleviate that problem. I do remember using little…
  • @bobheads If you still want to spend hours trying something that may not work then you could take a look at: https://forum.audiob.us/discussion/31245/how-to-remotely-control-any-ios-app/p1 It is most certainly a hack but in theory will do what you want.
  • I think there is still a place at the table for MTR but Neon and Koala AUv3 arriving within hours of each other have opened up some great new possibilities inside NS2. For longer audio clips people may still want to use MTR as it has the advantage of allowing you to drop in at any point during the clip by moving the NS2…
  • The only solution I know of is to use the beta of SonoBus, which is what I use to send live guitar into NS2 for recording into multitrack recorder. It takes a little setup (not too painful once you have done it a couple of times) but you basically need to connect an instance of SonoBus outside of NS2 which receives your…
  • With minimal setup you can use SonoBus to record directly into MTR. This is currently my preferred way of recording guitar tracks as I can run the raw input through MTR and into TH-U. One other downside (or not, depending on your requirements) is that MTR records 16-bit audio.
  • @Cray23 thanks! It is good to be able to hear the automation working directly on the track without needing to bounce between DAWs. I don’t know how well it would scale yet but in theory you could have multiple tracks with their own automation. Until the auto reconnect is fixed then it will be annoying to have to reconnect…
  • @rolandobabel I have found MultiTrack does a good job of adding audio support to NS2 and satisfies my needs. The only downside I have found so far is when you need to move things around as you have two timelines to worry about. I plan on experimenting with triggering my audio as loops via MT rather than laying them out in…
  • Thanks for the reply @Will. It is not a great burden in the grand scheme of things to do the copy and paste manually, I just wondered if there was some option that I may have overlooked as NS2 is so flexible in the ways it lets you do things. In an ideal world there would be an option for a clip to sync to an external MIDI…