Theoretically. If you will get a reply is like predicting the rain. In central Sahara. You may get a response! But it is (very) unlikely.
Thanks, @"Blip Interactive" If I only an an idea what "bring a very comfortable retirement forward by about 5 years" could mean more concretely.
That will have been mentioned already: The ultimate solution for this is the Working Copy / Wotja / Loopy Pro method! Basically, instead of a subscription, you sell major versions. One per year or whatever fits you. If you manage to add smaller things within this time, those who bought within that year get them freely,…
Yes, @dendy hinted this to me. And it seems that disabling the regular Safari content blocker on iPad makes the postings visible. Very strange, as I don't have similar problems on the AB forum, also Vanilla.
Strange. I can see notifications about replies, but cannot see the replies.
@PUMP Did you loose your Enter key? I cannot read what you wrote.... not possible
Many thanks! I was not aware or forgott, that you are part of the team.
Waiting for @dendy or @"Blip Interactive" to notice this.
Nice idea! Thanks! But some of the above options could be added easily: * Toggle Auto-Save * Toggle Auto-Load * Settings-Option to start empty next.
And, whenever nanostudio 2 will be able to be more stable, we need a quick fix first: Add this option to the settings, so that nanostudio 2 can be started without auto-loading! Also: As should be clear to anybody, auto-saving and especially auto-loading are NOT acceptable without a setting to configure that behavior.…
As it seems, more and more people see problems with massive instability of nanostudio 2 when using certain AU plugins. This even ends with the requirement to uninstall Apps to be able to start nanostudio 2 again and also problems with the archive option. IMHO, regardless of how bad or wrong an AU is written, it shall never…
@Arpseechord This is not the right topic for your AU CPU problem.
As I wrote, it is important that the project file does not get "damaged" and that a project can even be loaded when an AU makes problems. This is something that needs to be enhanced in NS2.... We can never be sure that all AU will behave well.
We will always have problems with single Apps and AUs. But NS2 needs a way to handle problematic AU in a way, that the project will not be destroyed or cannot be opened anymore. Some way to load a project without actually loading things or to disable the loading of Apps / AUs that made a problem earlier.
That's horrifying, @drez :o :o :o
Many thanks, @dendy So I assume that the StepBud developer is already involved? But more important is the behavior of NS2 in regards to saving and loading projects. As @klownshed wrote, the behavior should be like that from AUM, where any bad part does not hinder or destroy the project! This is a major problem. In regards…
Many thanks, @klownshed
No. This does not help at all. We all know that this problem is more or less uncommon or even rare. Any unneeded positive comments would just obfuscate this thread. We only need people with similar problems and more details here! So please restrain from other postings. Many thanks
That's nice, but any positive comments are not needed here. To find the problems - that do exist -we would need more negative comments, to finally have an idea what creates the problems. It seems to be based on one or some AU Apps, but if this can render a project into a state where it cannot be used anymore, something is…
Ahhh. Thanks :)
And please add some forum categories ;) Bug Reports Feature Requests ...
Ahhhhh, you're a killer!!!!! :) :) :) :) Many thanks. That was realy much stuff in one update! Impressive. Maybe publish smaller updates? More feedback, more interaction, more joy :) =) ;) B)
I already delete lots of games, but yes, kind of B) :p :)
You don't want me to post that 4 pages, or? ;)
I'm so happy with my (used) Pro 12.9 2017 and 512 GB! And head jack B)
Don't worry, 4 pages full of games... that I never have time to play but collected for the future. Yes, full of folders too =) B)
Thanks, @SlapHappy And @"Blip Interactive" as you are free from the cellar for a short time (before programming again), maybe you could add two Categories to the forum? "Feature Requests" "Bugs" Or whatever else you feel. Your mods could then start to sort things :) :) :) It's a bit messy right now.
@Stiksi You wanted it :) ;) B) That's my Synths. Please note, that folder starting with "n-" have more than one page. And that's my main Apps.
Many thanks. I am not even sure that I would need this, but as always, a settings toggle to enable "regular" behavior, would be nice.